ICGS Presenter Expectations

ICGS is committed to providing outstanding professional development opportunities for our delegates. Presenters at all Coalition events agree to the following expectations and guidelines.

Presenters are expected to:

  • Obtain financial support from their school/organization for registration fees, travel, and expenses to attend the professional development gathering, and register by the appropriate presenter registration deadline.
  • Participate in ICGS programs as full attendees and, as such, be present and engaged throughout the event.
  • Make their own hotel and travel arrangements, for which they are financially responsible.
  • If there are co-presenters, understand that the primary contact is responsible for corresponding with her/his co-presenter(s).
  • Give ICGS permission to edit the title and description for all accepted submissions for promotional purposes.

Speaker Guidelines:

  • The material presented should be appropriate for the audience and should not include profanity, vulgarities, or mature content.
  • The presentation must not denigrate nor insult any person or group based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or political ideology.
  • Incitement of hatred and provocation of violence are expressly prohibited.
  • Fundraising or sales pitches of any type are not permitted.
  • ICGS personnel reserve the right to interrupt the speaker and/or stop the program if any of the above criteria are violated.

Please note that, generally speaking, the conducting of workshops/sessions is pro bono work—there is no remuneration or honoraria offered to presenters. However, a special discounted presenter rate will be offered to all those whose proposals are accepted by ICGS.