While You’re In LA – ICGS Educating Girls Symposium at Marlborough School

Symposium Overview | Registration | Schedule of Programming | Keynote Speakers | Breakout Sessions | Sponsors


Travel Information

Marlborough School is located at 250 South Rossmore Avenue in Los Angeles, California. The nearest airports are Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR), which are approximately 40 minutes away.

There are numerous hotels located nearby, some of which are linked below. Educating Girls Symposium attendees are required to secure their own lodging—there is not an ICGS block of rooms available.

Please note that traffic in Los Angeles can be quite busy during the weekday morning commute, so Symposium delegates are advised to allow plenty of additional time for travel to Marlborough School on February 15 to take part in the Symposium’s full Schedule of Programming.

Use Google Maps to navigate to campus, where parking will be available for Symposium delegates.

Hotel Recommendations (this list is not exhaustive):

Visit Another ICGS Member School While You’re in the Area

The following member schools have kindly offered to host visitors to their campuses outside of the Educating Girls Symposium schedule of programming. If you are interested in touring any of the campuses listed below to learn about each school’s respective signature programs, please contact Jean Baker, ICGS Director of Membership & Outreach, at jbaker@girlsschools.org. Please note: Visitors are responsible for securing their own transportation.

The Webb Schools
1175 W. Baseline Road
Claremont, CA 91711

At Webb, we teach students how to learn through our unique, multidisciplinary, future-focused curriculum that challenges students to participate in the design of their education. Come for a tour of our 150-acre campus, nestled in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains, and learn about our Advanced Studies program (that goes far beyond AP courses) taught by our expert faculty. Our courses are engaging and expose students to various subjects, including Filmmaking, Neuroscience, Multivariable Calculus, languages, Paleontology, and the performing and visual arts. As a boarding school, life at Webb includes upholding the core values of honor, integrity, moral courage, and community—and becoming confident, honorable leaders. Webb’s relationships in LA and locally, with the Claremont Colleges and our Alf Museum of Paleontology, offer students unparalleled exploration and advanced learning opportunities.

Westridge School
324 Madeline Drive
Pasadena, CA 91105

From the school: Tour our ever-expanding Computer Science & Engineering department, and learn about our Aerospace Engineering courses and our Computer Science Capstone and Full Stack Web Development courses. While you’re on campus, stop by our innovative Writing Center as well. We’re also happy to tell you about our intentional SEL programming and how that’s lived at each division level, from teaching students how to have tough conversations and resolve conflict, explore issues around diversity, equity, and inclusion, peer mentoring, our Human Development program, and so much more.